Need a Speaker on Life Issues?

Perhaps you are you looking for a speaker who can lead people to rethink their positions. Someone who can show them positive alternatives to violence--and engage them in defense of human life.

Portrait photo of Mary Meehan

Mary Meehan
Photo by Michelle Zegles/Chrisstudio

Mary Meehan, an experienced writer and public speaker, can do all of this. She has spoken on campuses throughout the U.S.--from Arizona State to Notre Dame, from Aquinas College (Michigan) to North Carolina State, and from Penn State to Harvard. A long list of her speaking engagements is available here.

She urges students and others to defend life on every front.

"Why Liberals Should Defend the Unborn" has been her most popular topic to date. A variation, interesting to law students and many others, is: "Why Roe Must Go: A Liberal Case Against Roe v. Wade." She also offers "A Dozen Reasons to Oppose the Death Penalty," including ones that win support from conservatives. She explains "Why Conservatives Should Be Antiwar." And she describes positive alternatives to suicide and euthanasia.

Drawing on her years of reporting and commentary, Meehan suggests practical approaches to "Touching Hearts and Changing Minds." She highlights alternatives to violence: The work of pregnancy care centers in aiding women and their unborn children. Life imprisonment and reparation to victims' families, instead of execution, as the penalty for first-degree murder. Major improvements in nursing homes and in helping people with mental illness as alternatives to suicide and euthanasia. A restrained foreign policy and "strategic nonviolent action" as alternatives to war.

While stressing a positive approach, she realizes that life advocates must also face basic issues of power. Who has it? How is it used against the vulnerable, both at home and abroad? These questions lead to themes such as "Eugenics and the Power Elite."

Summaries of her talks and workshops are below. You can skip to the major subject areas by clicking the following:

Summaries of the Talks


ACLU v. Unborn Children

This talk will show how the American Civil Liberties Union undercuts its own principles--including freedom of speech--by its fierce support of abortion. Poor research, superficial debate, and eugenics thinking all contributed to the ACLU position. A 1970s ACLU leader even acknowledged that two foundations he dealt with were willing to support pro-abortion litigation "out of an anti-black feeling." But as long as donors didn't "try to impose restrictions," he said, "I will always take the money." While noting that organizations are very hard to turn around, the talk will suggest appeals to reason and conscience that should lead ACLU members to press for change.

Facing the Hard Cases

We can't allow hard cases to paralyze our hearts and minds, or push us to a general agnosticism about right and wrong. Yet we can't stand on principle alone, either. We must identify both with the person who faces hardship and with the person whose life is actually at stake, finding solutions to protect the well-being of both. This means, for example, whole-hearted psychological and financial support for women who become pregnant through rape. It means generous support for couples who have children with disabilities, and it means challenging the eugenics-based idea that such children are worth less than the rest of us. This talk will contest the idea that problems in childhood dictate a bad outcome in later life. It will describe good people--some famous, some not--who have overcome rape, incest, physical disability, mental illness, poverty, and/or child abuse.

Lessons from the Anti-Slavery Movement

The pro-life movement can learn much from the successes and failures of the great movement for the abolition of slavery in the United States. Especially effective was the effort to "abolitionize" Ohio in the 1830s. The same kind of effort is needed today in states where the pro-life movement is weak. But the abolitionists, like many other activists, too often preached to the choir; they didn't put enough emphasis on educational work and organizing in Southern states. In like manner, the pro-life movement has not put enough effort into organizing among liberals, African Americans, and Democrats. This talk will stress these and other lessons from one of the best-organized movements for social change in U.S. history.

No Liberty Without Life: A Libertarian Case Against Abortion

The libertarian principle of non-aggression provides a strong basis for the case against abortion. Prolife libertarians emphasize this principle and also the idea of parental obligation. Having brought a child into existence in a dependent state, they say, both parents have an obligation to protect the child from harm. Dr. Ron Paul, a key libertarian leader, once wrote: "Abortion on demand is the ultimate State tyranny; the State simply declares that certain classes of human beings are not persons, and therefore not entitled to the protection of the law." Later he said: "I believe in a very limited role for government, but the prime reason that government exists in a free society is to protect liberty, but also to protect life--and I mean all life."

Rape and Abortion: Let's End Both!

This talk will be based on the conviction that both women and children--born and unborn--have the right to life and to freedom from assault. It will describe women who have either brought up children of rape or placed them for adoption. It will both praise their courage and acknowledge that many of them have faced much hardship. It also will suggest that strong support from family and friends would have made their paths much easier. It will describe children of rape who, while grateful for their mothers' decisions, also "believe that--like the rest of us--they have a right to be here." It will praise the work of those who teach self-defense techniques to women and will relate stories of successful defense against rape.

Why Liberals Should Defend the Unborn

Starting with stories of liberals on the pro-life side, this talk explains why others should follow their example. Liberals' traditional concern for the little guy should lead them to protect the unborn. So should their belief in equality and their tradition of defending racial minorities and people with disabilities. Their concern for women's well-being should make them listen to women who have been greatly harmed by abortion--and to the strong case of pro-life feminism. Their opposition to war should lead them to see the many parallels between war and abortion. The talk explores these and other reasons why they should defend the unborn--and suggests how they can. It urges them to join pro-life groups who share their outlook on other issues and to "speak with your own voice, sing your own song." (A variation of this talk is "Why Liberals Should Be Pro-Life and Conservatives Should Be Antiwar." See the section below on Links Among Life Issues for a description.)

Why Roe Must Go: A Liberal Case Against Roe v. Wade

Based on research in the papers of the late Justice Harry Blackmun and other justices, this talk outlines major problems with the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade. Major flaws include the failure to have a guardian ad litem to represent unborn children; the pretense that we don't know when a human life begins; sloppy and misleading historical research; failure to deal with the right to life in the Declaration of Independence; and more. Roe is a prime example of a result-oriented decision, in which justices allow their bias to determine the result and then rummage around for legal reasons to support it. The talk places special stress on why liberals should oppose Roe and defend unborn children. A variation of the talk, "Why Roe Must Go: A Case Against Eugenics," highlights the history of U.S. eugenics and its influence on Roe. Either talk is especially suitable for law students, but interesting to others as well.

Winning Friends and Saving Lives

This talk will suggest many ways to win people over to the pro-life side on abortion. We can do this best by having a zest for life and a love for humanity--and by practicing what we preach. By listening to others in order to understand where they're coming from. By remembering the value of good questions...avoiding shrillness in language...stressing peaceful alternatives...telling true and hopeful stories about the outcome of hard cases. And by showing how the positive principles of our dialogue partners should lead to protection of human life. The talk will offer many specific examples. It also will deal with the hard question of whether to use graphic abortion photos in publications and protests.

Death Penalty:

A Dozen Reasons to Oppose the Death Penalty

Many people who used to support the death penalty have been shaken by DNA evidence that innocent people have been sentenced to death. Some conservatives--Richard Viguerie for one--believe the death penalty gives too much power to the state. And executions have a corrupting effect on the public, encouraging citizens to take pleasure in someone's death. The death penalty is used against some people whose severe mental illness suggests limited moral responsibility (if any) for their crimes. It gives enormous publicity to others, notorious criminals who are terrible role models for youth. There's also the irony, maddening to murder victims' families, that condemned killers themselves achieve victim status. The talk offers these and many other reasons to oppose the death penalty.

Life and Labor in Prison as an Alternative

Some people support the death penalty more from fear than a desire for vengeance. They're afraid that if murderers are not executed, judges or parole boards eventually will release them, and they will kill again. This underlines the importance of a "real life sentence" for first-degree murder. That's not enough, though. Murderers should work in prison, for real wages. Their earnings should pay for their room and board and also pay financial reparations to the families whose loved ones they have killed. This can restore to families at least some of the financial support they lost when working members were killed; it may also restore a sense of justice. The talk will acknowledge problems in some prison-labor programs, but will suggest they can be overcome.

Eugenics and Population Control:

Eugenics and the Power Elite

Eugenics, the effort to breed "better" human beings, still has enormous influence on American society. Wealthy families and foundations moved it decades ago from academic theory to the practice of population control, which suppresses birthrates of minorities and poor people. Eugenicists also developed and promoted prenatal testing, which leads to the abortion of handicapped children. Eugenicists have influenced immigration policy, too, and many have supported euthanasia. Understanding eugenics influence on groups such as Planned Parenthood, the Population Council, the American Society of Human Genetics, and the National Academy of Sciences helps us understand today's headlines on many issues. This talk describes the elitist and anti-democratic nature of eugenics--and suggests ways to fight back.

Eugenics Triumphant in Prenatal Testing

One of the worst things eugenicists do is promote discrimination against people with disabilities. This talk will show how American Eugenics Society leaders and members pushed lethal discrimination when they spread prenatal testing and eugenic abortion. Many of them were early officers of the American Society of Human Genetics, and they had a deep and corrupting influence on that key professional group. They also pushed U.S. government agencies into research and promotion of the testing/abortion combination. Pregnancy is now an ordeal of anxiety, guilt and grief for many couples because medical professionals pressure them to abort children who have handicaps such as Down Syndrome. The talk will describe resistance to eugenic abortion and suggest how that resistance can be more effective.

What's Wrong with Population Control

Many people think population control is a humanitarian effort to improve living conditions and the environment. They don't understand the deep eugenics influence which led to programs that target poor people and minorities for population reduction. Much elite support for population control originated with a desire to protect Western access to the natural resources of Third-World nations. This talk, based on intensive research in over 25 archives, will explain how eugenicists enlisted governmental power to advance their aims. It will describe how that power produced coercive population control in countries such as India, China, Indonesia, and Peru. It will ask: Why have many liberals done heavy lifting for eugenics-based population control? Why have many conservatives, who are supposed to favor limited government, done the same?

Suicide and Euthanasia:

A Garden of Eden for Seniors

There's a widespread tendency to view nursing homes as bleak warehouses, or worse. Yet hundreds of facilities around the country show that it's possible to transform traditional nursing homes into real homes. Many are affiliated with the Eden Alternative. Eden care is resident-centered instead of schedule-centered. The Eden homes have a wealth of houseplants and flowers. Many have gardens where seniors help grow both flowers and vegetables. They have resident pets such as cats, dogs, parakeets, finches, cockatoos, guinea pigs, rabbits, and goldfish. They encourage interaction of seniors with children, sometimes by having a daycare center or summer camp right on the premises. Perhaps most important is the way they improve relations between residents and staff. The newer Green Houses do some of the same things--but in homes much smaller than most nursing homes. Based on visits to several Eden homes and one Green House, this talk will describe both the promise and the difficulties of change.

Graceful Exits

This talk, appropriate for a convention workshop, will stress the grace and courage with which some famous people have faced death. English artist Thomas Gainsborough, dying of cancer, achieved reconciliation with a professional rival. George Washington remembered to thank his doctors for their efforts to save him. Susan B. Anthony gave final messages of hope and courage to her suffragist followers. Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman went out with song. The late Chief Justice William Rehnquist, reserved and stoical in his battle with cancer, showed no sign of self-pity and worked to the end, dying with his boots on. All of these people gave real meaning to the phrase "death with dignity," and they gave good example to others. When the time comes, we should do the same.

How to Outfox the Grim Reaper

This talk will describe a couple of dramatic and successful efforts by police officers to prevent suicide. It will stress that laypeople also can do much to help. As suicide-prevention expert Dr. Edwin Shneidman once wrote: "Each individual can be a lifesaver, a one-person committee to prevent suicide." Ideally, suicide prevention involves not just helping save the life at stake, but also helping make that life a better and happier one. The talk will explain how anyone can aid a friend, family member--or even a stranger--who is depressed and considering suicide. It also will outline promising work in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, in which a therapist helps people build their own solutions for problems that have pushed them toward suicide.

Recapturing the Joy of Life

Contemporary culture often leads to a depressing view of life. But we don't have to accept the pre-packaged, glitzy, noisy, and wildly expensive lifestyles and entertainment that advertising presses upon us. We can build, instead, a culture that reflects the joy of life in art and architecture, literature, film, and song. People with major disabilities often need special help in recapturing the joy of life. There are some excellent programs to help mental patients, new technology and independent-living programs for people with severe physical disability, and good respite programs to help overburdened family care-givers. There's also the "Eden Alternative," which brings the joy of life to nursing homes. These programs need more publicity and support so they will become the norm instead of the exception.

Suicide and Euthanasia: How to Head Them Off at the Pass

Early cowboy movies often showed the heroes' galloping their horses to head the bad guys off at the pass. Opponents of euthanasia can do the same thing--and many are riding hard right now. There are promising efforts against suicide in general, and some activists work across political and religious lines against doctor-assisted suicide and euthanasia. Some focus on public education, others on court cases or politics. Still others stress alternatives: better pain control, transformation of nursing homes, better hospice care, and more. This talk will describe such hopeful work and call for its extension. It will suggest practical ways to help family, friends, or neighbors cope with serious disability or terminal illness.


How Strategic Nonviolent Action Works

Nonviolent resistance to injustice has a long and honored place in U.S. and world history. It has proven successful in many cases, including the peaceful overthrow of governments in the Philippines and Eastern Europe in the 1980s. Dr. Gene Sharp, a scholar who has made a lifetime study of such resistance, advocates training people in the best techniques well before a coup or invasion. Techniques range from total non-cooperation, to massive rallies and marches, to boycotts and strikes, to urging occupying soldiers to refuse orders or desert. Some call such resistance "civilian-based defense"; Sharp calls it "strategic nonviolent action." He says one needn't be a pacifist to use it, since it builds on "people's capacity to be stubborn and cussed, and we're all good at that." This talk will describe Sharp's work and urge support for it as a practical alternative to war.

Just-War Standards and the Military Budget

It's much easier to judge violation of just-war standards after a war than in the heat of battle; but by then, of course, it's too late for the victims. To reduce the cruelty of war, we should apply just-war standards to the U.S. military budget during congressional appropriations hearings. Doesn't the use of firebombs, cluster bombs, and land mines violate the just-war ban on cruel and indiscriminate weapons? Perhaps we should invite some surviving victims of American air wars to come in their wheelchairs and testify about what these weapons have done to their lives. Let's look at our nuclear weapons, too, and reflect that the United States is the only country that has ever used such weapons (against Japanese civilians at the end of World War II). How can the use--or even the possession--of these weapons be approved under just-war standards?

Why Conservatives Should Be Antiwar

English writer Christopher Derrick said that war "tends to destroy everything that conservatives would wish to 'conserve' at the social, cultural, moral, and religious levels." Some conservatives add that war also piles up huge public debts and increases governmental power that should instead be reduced. Some make profound ethical arguments against specific wars and weapons of war. Dr. Ron Paul, a conservative and libertarian, argues that a policy of non-intervention in other nations' affairs is right in principle and also serves our national interest. Our first president, the conservative George Washington, strongly urged us to stay out of the politics and wars of Europe. Had he thought it necessary, he undoubtedly would have warned us against intervention in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia as well. This talk urges a return to Washington's wise and peaceful policy. It also makes practical suggestions about how to win more conservatives to the antiwar side. (A variation of this talk is "Why Liberals Should Be Pro-Life and Conservatives Should Be Antiwar." See the section below on Links Among Life Issues for a description.)

Communicating Life Messages:

Life or Death: Too Deep for Sound Bites?

Designed for journalism students, this will deal with media coverage of life-or-death issues. Often it is stereotyped and repetitive, and sometimes it's deeply biased. The talk will emphasize practical advice for putting more depth and fairness into coverage: Treat activists on both sides of these issues as real human beings, not cardboard stereotypes. Follow the money trail to find where pressures originate for and against death as a solution to various problems. (Be sure to report the key role of private foundations and think tanks.) Break out of the prison of left-right stereotypes; report on conservatives who oppose war or the death penalty and liberals who work against abortion or assisted suicide. Examine both the promise and the difficulties of nonviolent solutions they advocate: a non-interventionist foreign policy; life imprisonment as an alternative to the death penalty; the work of pregnancy care centers and adoption agencies; the "Eden Alternative" for nursing homes.

Touching Hearts and Changing Minds on Life Issues

This talk suggests that it's essential to listen carefully to others so you'll understand where they're coming from. It's also important to stress principles and people they admire. A liberal may want to hear what the Feminists for Life have to say about abortion. A conservative may want to know why Richard Viguerie opposes the death penalty--and why some conservatives oppose war. Telling stories about the victims of violence can also have major impact. So can stories of former participants in violence who have turned around: combat veterans who are antiwar, ex-abortion workers now active in the pro-life movement, former governors who regret executions they let go forward. Good questions are also important. A key one is: "Wouldn't you prefer a nonviolent solution to the problem, if one can be found?"

Writing for Life

Many people are awed by the idea of writing for publication, thinking it requires unusual skill or special training. But anyone can learn how to write a good letter to the editor, or a good blogging comment, and then progress to writing op-ed pieces. This talk, by a longtime professional writer, will suggest some basic rules: Keep your letter or op-ed piece brief and to the point; avoid fancy words and jargon; avoid name-calling and personal attacks; be sure to double-check facts and quotes. It will stress the importance of positive pieces--telling the story of how a life was saved, or a war averted, or commending local people who are defending human life. The talk also will describe ways of breaking into free-lance writing for magazines and newspapers.

Links Among Life Issues:

Building a Culture of Life

This starts with teaching children (and other family members!) how to get along with one one another and resolve differences peaceably. Also important is discouraging the use of violence as entertainment for children and adults: war toys, violent video games, violent movies and television programs. Educational campaigns on alternatives to violence should use all media, new and old. They can cover everything from anger management and family counseling to pregnancy care centers, adoption, the Eden alternative for nursing homes, the principle of restitution, diplomacy, strategic nonviolent action, and more. This talk also will cover election and lobbying efforts to change our political culture. It will suggest economic pressures, such as boycotts and shareholder protests, against non-profit groups and corporations that support violence. And it will suggest ways to recruit more life advocates to activist roles.

How to Build a Culture of Life on Campus

This talk explains how students can use their course work to help themselves and others understand life issues: studying historical movements for social change and finding what similar movements today can learn from them; finding how economic pressures for violence can be reduced; studying the U.S. power structure. The talk recommends activist involvement, both on campus and off. It suggests "campus audits" to find: Is there enough support for pregnant and parenting students? Are nonviolent approaches covered well and fairly in history and foreign-policy courses? Does the campus library include the best books on life issues? Is the institution doing any death-dealing research (on embryonic stem cells, abortion, weapons, torture)? In choosing commencement speakers and honorary-degree recipients, is there an effort to find ones who defend life? The talk also suggests how students can make career choices that will help them defend life.

Politicians and Life Issues

Some politicians claim to be personally opposed to abortion, yet publicly support it. Some have taken the same contradictory position on the death penalty, and Oregon's Sen. Ron Wyden has done it on doctor-assisted suicide. This talk will contrast such politicians with others whose personal and public positions are in harmony--and who have shown great courage on life issues. Examples include the twentieth-century anti-war leadership of Sen. Robert La Follette, Sr., of Wisconsin and Sen. Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota; today's anti-war leadership of Dr. Ron Paul, Rep. Walter Jones, and others; and the current anti-abortion leadership of Rep. Christopher Smith of New Jersey. The talk will highlight the importance of recruiting more candidates who have a deep commitment to the defense of human life. It will stress the importance of thanking, encouraging, and supporting brave political leaders.

The President We Need

What kind of president should we elect the next time we have a chance? This talk will call for one who defends human life consistently. Such a president can prevent many wars by forbidding U.S. efforts to overthrow other nations' governments--and by pressing Congress to make this part of our permanent law. The president will turn away from failed attempts to have the U.S. police the world, opting instead for skilled diplomacy to solve territorial and other disputes among nations. He or she will lead a major effort to end public subsidy of abortion and to overturn Roe v. Wade. The president will work for repeal of the federal death penalty. S/he will ensure that federal health policies oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide--and that federally-subsidized hospice care meets high ethical and medical standards. The president will obey--and champion--the Constitution, includings its much-abused Bill of Rights. Another high priority will be putting our fiscal house in order by balancing the budget and starting a major campaign to pay down our $19 trillion public debt. To accomplish all of this, we need a "workhorse president." We need one who will stay home and mind the store, spending little time on travel--and no time in campaigning for re-election. A president who pledges to serve only one term can accomplish a great deal.

Why Liberals Should Be Pro-Life
and Conservatives Should Be Antiwar

This talk shows how the best principles of liberals (respect for science, concern for the little guy/little gal, commitment to equality, and more) should lead them to be pro-life. So should their tendency to oppose eugenics and their preference for nonviolent solutions to society's problems. The talk contends that our early presidents' commitment to a non-interventionist foreign policy suggests that conservatives should have a default position against war. Current antiwar conservatives include Dr. Ron Paul, Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.), Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.), and writers such as Andrew Bacevich, Bill Kauffman, Justin Raimondo, and Paul Craig Roberts. Conservatives and others who believe in strict just-war standards should--and often do--join pacifists in opposing specific wars. The talk offers suggestions for productive dialogue with liberals about abortion and with conservatives about war.

What Can One Person Do?

There's so much violence and killing in the world that it's tempting for individuals to feel they cannot do much to stop it. Not so! This talk will feature individuals who are making a huge difference: An academic who has studied nonviolent direct action for a lifetime and who promotes it through writing and advising. An anti-death penalty activist who has a knack for media-friendly signs and for demonstrations that have a strong educational component. Three skilled writers who do exceptional work in defending the elderly and disabled from medical killing. A former business executive who runs a national network to help students and working women who face crisis pregnancies. The talk will suggest ways students can prepare themselves for similar work; how retirees can use their skills and experience to defend life; and how others can help in many specific ways.

Wouldn't You Prefer a Nonviolent Solution?

This talk stresses the great need for alternatives to violence. When others urge death as a solution for hard cases (or even easy ones), we should ask: "Do you know about all the sources of help? Do you know about X, Y and Z programs? And how might I help?" The talk emphasizes America's history as a can-do nation whose people find solutions for tough problems. It describes the Feminists for Life and Students for Life programs to make campuses more friendly to pregnant and parenting students; the Nurturing Network; and the many pregnancy resource centers around the country. It explains successful efforts to transform nursing homes; programs that give hope and practical aid to people who have severe mental illness; and promising efforts in suicide prevention. It suggests life-labor-and-reparations in prison as an alternative to the death penalty. And it explores a restrained foreign policy and "strategic nonviolent action" as alternatives to war.

Other Topics

...can be developed on request. Nearly any article on this web site can be adapted for a talk, lecture, or workshop.

Speaker's Background

Mary Meehan was born in Washington, D.C...lived on a Maryland farm in early years...B.A. in history from Trinity College (now part of Trinity Washington University)...a political independent...has experience in politics and in efforts against war, abortion, and the death penalty...a professional writer for many lives in Western Maryland--a fine place to write, hike in the mountains, and listen to bluegrass music.

Her Past Speaking Engagements

American University; Aquinas College (Michigan); Arizona State University; Bryn Mawr College; Capital University; Carnegie Mellon University; Christendom College; College of the Holy Cross; College of St. Benedict/St. John's University; Consistent Life conference; Cornell University; Feminists for Life conference; Fordham University; Furman University; George Washington University; Georgetown University (twice at the College and twice at the Law Center); Grinnell College.

Also: Harvard University; Illinois Wesleyan University; Loyola University Chicago; Manchester College; Marian University (Wisconsin); Maryland Right to Life conference; McGill University; Miami University (Ohio); Millersville University; National Lawyers Association conference; North Carolina State University; Notre Dame Law School; Pennsylvania State University (three times); Princeton University; Rhode Island Right to Life conference; Right to Life of Michigan conference; Scholars for Social Justice conference; St. Louis University (twice).

And: Stanford University (twice); Students for Life of America conference; Trinity Washington University (three times); Truman State University; United for Life of Northern California conference; University of Akron; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; University of Maryland at College Park (twice); University of Massachusetts Amherst; University of Michigan (three times); University of New Hampshire; University of Northern Iowa; University of Oklahoma; University of Richmond School of Law; University of Virginia; Valparaiso University School of Law; Villanova University; Washington University School of Law; Wheeling Jesuit University; Williams College; and Yale University.

Her Writing

Meehan's op-ed pieces have appeared in newspapers such as the Baltimore Sun, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Des Moines Register, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Newsday, San Francisco Chronicle, and the Washington Post.

Her magazine and journal credits include America, Celebrate Life, Commonweal, Human Life Review, Inquiry, Journal of the Alleghenies, Mountain Discoveries, The Nation, The Progressive, Second Opinion, and Social Justice Review. She has contributed chapters to several books, including the anthology Consistently Opposing Killing (Praeger, 2008).

She has won two investigative-reporting awards for article series on eugenics and population control. In 2009 she received a Great Defender of Life award from the Human Life Foundation.

What They Say About Her

ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY STUDENTS FOR LIFE, 2015: "Thank you so much for coming to SLU to talk to us about such important life issues. We learned a lot & loved having you here!"

BILL SAMUEL, PRESIDENT, CONSISTENT LIFE (about a 2012 appearance): "People who attended your Winning Conservatives to the Antiwar Cause workshop were raving about it. We really appreciate what you contributed to the conference."

NATALIE FOHL, FOUNDER AND 2008-10 PRESIDENT, CHOOSE LIFE, McGILL UNIVERSITY (MONTREAL): "Thanks again for coming to McGill and for your excellent presentation! As you can see from the enclosed articles, it really got people thinking."

EMILY TURNER, 2007-08 CO-CHAIR, STUDENTS FOR LIFE, COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS: "You were dynamic and provocative and just what we needed. We will continue to make good use of your articles and suggestions."

DAN HUGHES, 2006-08 PRESIDENT, PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE FOR LIFE, GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY LAW CENTER: "Thank you so much for visiting Georgetown Law. Your talk was highly informative and insightful. The handouts will continue to be useful to us! Please stay in contact and let us know about any other engagements that you have in the DC area."

LAURA GRAHAM, 2006-07 CHAIR, COLONIALS FOR LIFE, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY: "Thank you again for your wonderful talk last week. ...I will make sure the new board knows about you and your great work."

NAT HENTOFF, AUTHOR AND COLUMNIST: "As a frequent writer on life-and-death issues...I often rely on the writings and invaluable research of Mary Meehan. She is unequalled for her depth of knowledge and clarity of analysis. The 'culture of death' is gaining ever more adherents...Mary Meehan is an increasingly probing speaker in illuminating the fateful consequences of this direction--and how to reverse it."

REBECCA MESSALL, ATTORNEY AND PRO-LIFE ACTIVIST: "Meehan is brilliant. After you've heard her talk, it's as though she's switched a bright light on the impact of eugenics on our society."

MARIA McFADDEN, HUMAN LIFE REVIEW EDITOR: "Mary Meehan is unequalled in her field. Her articles for the Human Life Review have contained a great amount of fully-documented, original research into some of the most fascinating and important issues of our times. Her journalistic style is an editor's delight--clear, concise and compelling."


Bio sketch, photo, and curriculum vitae are available on request. The speaker's fee is moderate and negotiable. On just one campus visit, Meehan can give two major talks--plus classroom talks--with no extra charge. Please contact:

Ms. Mary Meehan
223 Race Street
Cumberland, Md. 21502
(301) 759-2992